Windows Device -
Apple Mac -
Window PC
- Windows 10 or above
- Processor similar or equal to; Intel(r) Core(TM) i5-3550S CPU @ 2.00GHz
- System Type: 64-bit Operating System x 64-based processor
- Internet speeds equal to or greater than 5mps upload and download
- Working webcam/microphone
To check your windows device fits this specification, go to settings > system > about.
Apple Mac
- macOS 11.6.5 or above
- Internet speeds equal to or greater than 5mps upload and download
- Working webcam/microphone
To check your apple mac fits this specification, click the apple icon in the top left corner of your device > about this mac.
Devices that cannot be used:
- Mobile Phones
- iPads/Tablets
- Computers in ‘S’ mode
- Chromebooks/notebooks
Work/School PC’s
If you are using a PC that belongs to your place of work or school, please request for your IT department to open the following ports:
- 22 (Support channel)
- 80 (HTTP)
Factors that could prevent you from accessing your exam:
- Security restrictions within your WIFI that prevent screen sharing e.g. Parental Controls
- Talk Talk WIFI block their users from using screen sharing software’s, but this can be removed if you request this directly from TalkTalk
- High security anti-virus software's
- Public shared WIFI’s e.g. Libraries or community centres
As each computer is different, we cannot list every possible factor that could restrict your examination from going ahead, however, 99% of issues candidates face come from the factors listed above.
If you are not sure if your device is compatible, please contact us before your exam and we would be more than happy to check this for you.
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